California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Redesignated: 2022
Designated 2019
Fontana Unified School District
San Bernardino County
Anne-Maria Cabrales, Principal
6762 Juniper Avenue, Fontana, CA 92334
School Characteristics
Community: urban. Enrollment: 1,264. Grade levels: 6,7,8. School schedule: six-period day with minimum day on Wednesday for collaboration. Sixth and seventh grade students are cored, while eighth grade is departmentalized.
School Demographics
Free/reduced lunch: 50%. English learners: 6%.
Replicable Practices
Students needing math support are offered intervention courses using Math 180. In addition, the intervention program, Coding and Computing, is taught in conjunction with the core math class for students approaching grade-level mastery, but needing assistance in meeting all standards.
In addition to a robust elective program offering multiple STEAM opportunities, Wayne Ruble offers an exploratory class designed to increase student knowledge and skills necessary for everyday living. The course emphasizes goal setting; decision making and problem solving; communication; healthy lifestyles and relationships; nutrition; personal safety; citizenship; and consumerism.
Students meeting grade level standards in ELA are offered an Honors English class providing challenging coursework, as well as focus on the content standards.
Direct instruction is emphasized schoolwide with project-based learning a strategy most utilized in social studies and science classes.
Staff benefits from time for collaboration bi-weekly with content areas and grade levels to discuss data, plan lessons, and reflect on promising practices. In addition, quarterly pull-out days allow teams to plan future lessons, and ensure horizontal and vertical alignment of lessons. School-wide focus areas such as reinforcing academic language are also monitored during this time.
Families are offered multiple opportunities to be involved in the school including a unique program, Watch D.O.G.S., for dads to participate in school events and volunteer throughout the school. Multiple means of communication are used to keep parents informed about school events and curriculum.
All PLC groups are engaged in professional development to streamline reading/writing practices in all content areas. Analytical writing is also encouraged and supported across the curriculum using the claim-evidence-response (CER) writing process.