California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.

Redesignated: 2019, 2023
Designated 2016
Moreno Valley Unified School District
Riverside County
Matthew Stewart, Principal
23996 Eucalyptus Avenue, Moreno Valley, CA 92553
(951) 571-4280
School Characteristics
Community: Urban; Enrollment: 1475; Grade Levels: 6-7-8; School Schedule: Six-period schedule with zero-period offerings. Flex period on Wednesday for staff development.
Replicable Practices
Counselors articulate with five feeder elementary schools to facilitate smooth transition to middle school.
Weekly flex-time provided for grade, department, and focus group articulation.
Joint partnerships with families are an important part of school vision. Multiple parent groups exist to engage families and elicit input.
Ongoing PD provided to help staff recognize and address the problems and challenges students face. Students are offered classes in anger management and peer mediation.
Achievements of students celebrated in numerous ways. In addition to traditional honors, students are recognized for showing compassion and respect, doing good deeds, and civic responsibility.
Collaborative resource classes, study skill classes, and before and after school one-on-one/small group instruction support students in need of academic assistance.
Intervention classes utilize research-based curriculums including READ 180, Systems 44, Achieve 3000, English 3D, and AVID.
Additional staff support instruction including two instructional coaches, behavior intervention specialist, and counselors.
Time provided for teachers to meet in cross-team and cross-curricular teams to analyze data, and develop needed interventions.
Big 7+ School-Wide Commitments utilized by all staff to ensure best first instruction.