California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.

Redesignated: 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015 ,2018, 2023
Designated 2003
Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District
Placer County
Rich Knox, Principal
2525 Country Club Way, Roseville, CA 95747
School Characteristics
Community: Mid-sized city. Enrollment: 1,076. Grade Levels: 6-8. Schedule: Seven period day schedule with early release on Mondays to allow 50 minutes for staff collaboration. Sixth grade teachers team with common students.
Replicable Practices
Through the use of multiple measures, students at Silverado are placed in math courses based on achievement rather than grade level. Students needing more assistance in meeting standards benefit from the school’s intervention/enrichment block.
Silverado’s CUB (Collaborative Use Block), which is offered 30 minutes per day three days per week, supports reading time during the school day for students that are not in need of intervention/curricular support. CUB enrichment, which is offered every Friday, provides exploration in a substantial number of activities including chess, rocket launching, foreign language, art, physical activity, and community service.
Students at Silverado benefit from 1-1 student ratio of Chromebooks and through their technology based math program all student homework is submitted online. Technology is used throughout the school to facilitate performance assessments.
Staff collaboration is enhanced by meeting times on Monday, monthly department/staff meetings, and a schedule which support departments with common planning time daily. In addition, the district offers “Curriculum Camps” during the summer as well as a minimum of two “professional leave” days for the purpose of refining curriculum and analyzing test scores.
Common Sense Media presentations in exploratory classes segue into discussions of the extensive resources available on the campus to address social situations while building teacher/student rapport and fostering conversations.
The “Two for Ten” program connects every staff member to students to mentor throughout the year. Students are identified early and have frequent opportunities to spend time with their mentors.
Silverado’s “Breakfast Club,” which is offered two mornings per week, outreaches to English Learners offering additional support in all content areas.