California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Redesignated: 2016, 2019, 2022
Designated 2013
Sanger Unified School District
Fresno County
Haley Marquez, Principal
4087 North Quail Lake Drive , Clovis, CA 93619
(559) 524-6720
School Characteristics
Community: Rural fringe of a large city; Enrollment: 565; Grade Levels: K-8; School Schedule: Six periods, modified block of 55/105 min.
School Demographics
60% White; 26% Hispanic; 8% Asian; 2% Filipino; 2% Two or More Races; 1% African American; 0% American Indian/Alaska Native; 0% Pacific Islander; 26% Free/Reduced Lunch; 3% English Learners
Replicable Practices
Project Lead the Way is integrated into the elective wheel at all three grade levels.
Overarching themes, essential questions, and posted daily objectives provide a clear path for learning.
Parents are informed of students not meeting objectives every three weeks and receive progress reports for all students every six weeks.
School site PLCs meet weekly to analyze trends academically and behaviorally. Teachers also meet with corresponding content area teachers in neighboring districts to analyze common assessments and data and discuss best practices.
Common writing rubrics are shared across subjects and grade levels in order for students to have consistent expectations in all subjects.
Classrooms are now 1:1 with student iPads and technology integrated into instruction on a daily basis allowing teachers to differentiate student learning and increase student to student collaboration.
Academic Club is available during lunch and recess, small group instruction is a regular part of the ELA block, and math provides integrated intervention on a biweekly basis.
Students receive social-emotional support through SAP (Student Assistance Program) group counseling, and peer mediation, where older students work with younger students in conflict.
Instruction throughout the school emphasizes project-based learning, technology, collaboration and hands on lessons.
Students participate in a “20% Project” which allows them to identify problems/needs they see at the school, community or international level, then develop and execute solutions for the problem.
All seventh and eighth grade students are required to participate in a parent/student conference with their academic advisor to develop an academic plan that includes high school readiness.
At the beginning of the year parents write an “All About Me” letter describing their students and what is important in their lives. This information is shared with the class to drive discussion on similarities and differences and the value of each person