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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League
of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Olive Peirce Middle School

Redesignated: 2015, 2018

Designated 2012

Ramona City Unified School District

San Diego County

Lindsey Benedetto, Principal

1521 Hanson Lane, Ramona, CA 92065

(760) 787-2400

School Characteristics

Community: Small town. Enrollment: 825. Grade Levels: 6-8. Schedule: Seven period day with daily Homeroom class (ACE) and common prep periods for core content areas.

School Demographics

Free/Reduced Lunch: 45%; English Learners: 6%

Replicable Practices

  • Daily “ACE” Homeroom utilized for many school wide activities such as: reading articles/books, watching informational/motivational videos, and facilitated writing activities supporting the school goal of “being one PLC.”

  • School Wide focus on reading nonfiction and argumentative writing in every content area with facilitated training for all staff resulting in common annotation tools and writing strategies in all classes.

  • Highly developed common core, integrated math program supported by 10-12 planning/professional development days per year for staff. Students work on collaborative projects, writing and creating solutions for real-life math problems.

  • Utilizing the “Reading and Writing Project” Peirce has a school wide focus on reading and writing often with every teacher and student responding to common text and supporting critical thinking.

  • Teachers frequently create videos for math lessons and/or utilize video from online math materials which students can refer to when completing work. Teachers respond to questions from students via email.

  • Offering “STEM” opportunities to students is a mission of Peirce Middle School. Students benefit from three computer science classes, Project Lead the Way classes, multiple robotics sections, a STEM/ACE class for ELD students and a STEM club and “Science Olympiad” clubs after school.

  • The heavily accessed “Due this Week” online Google Calendar informs families (and students) of assignments and assessment dates. Supplemented by OPMS Facebook page, phone calls home, and conferences parents are able to fully support their students.

  • All classes are heterogeneously grouped with additional tutoring provided both during the school day and after school.

  • Olive Pierce enjoys a fully functioning Professional Learning Community facilitated by release time, common preps, and common summative assessments in all content areas.

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