California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.

Redesignated: 2013 , 2016, 2019
Designated 2010
Sweetwater Union High School District
San Diego County
Elizabeth Wong, Principal
2101 Granger Avenue, National City, CA 91950
School Characteristics
Community: Large city; Enrollment: 914; Grade Levels: 7-9; School Schedule: Six 52-minute classes with 28-minute Advisory at the end of Accelerated Reader
Replicable Practices
Granger offers multiple opportunities for students to achieve their goals and master curriculum through mandatory afterschool extra assistance, after school tutoring, Saturday school, credit recovery courses after school, and during schoolassistance from college tutors in the AVID “School of Distinction” program.
Instruction schoolwide is delivered emphasizing strategies that include common language, academic languagedevelopment, checking for understanding, rhetorical approach to reading and writing, and Costa’s Level of Inquiry.
Instruction has been enhanced by the implementation of the 1:1 iPad program.
Sharing of promising practices is facilitated by faculty curriculum coaches modeling or sharing lessons and weekly PLC time.
Students are grouped into interest-based advisories with teachers that share their passion. Eclectic options are offered suchas: iMovies, Japanese culture, robotics, growth mindset, knowledge bowl, and history through film.
Parents are highly valued and involved in monthly parent meetings, Saturday workshops, School Site Council, ELAC, andCoffee with the principal.
The school AVID Advisory Team has contributed to the school wide implementation of AVID strategies school wide, anddrives the goal to increase rigor utilizing Costa’s Level of Inquiry.
Aside from offering pre-PSAT testing and college and career activities, Granger facilitates student visits to local colleges, bio-tech labs, and research institutes.
Twice yearly student led conferences provide the opportunity for students to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses inrelation to key concepts learned in classes.
An after-school STEM program provides opportunities for students to participate in robotics and engineering competitionsthroughout the year with San Diego State. Students can also participate in a computer restoration program where theylearn to repair broken and used computers.
Positive school culture and attendance have been a focus for Granger and both have improved by the implementation of analternative to suspension restorative justice program and a character development class after school.