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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Fedde International Studies Academy

Redesignated: 2018, 2021, 2024

Designated 2015

ABC Unified School District

Los Angeles County

Denise Macias, Principal

21409 South Elaine Ave., Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716


School Characteristics

Community: Suburban. Enrollment: 413. Grade Levels: 7-8. Schedule Seven-period day with morning homeroom; early release one day per week for collaboration.

Replicable Practices

  • Super Six strategies school-wide: learning objectives, data walls, academic vocabulary, student engagement, higher-order thinking skills, and student test chats

  • Common Core supported by common planning time and learning walks

  • Global honors program provides honors classes plus college-and-career and community service activities; enrichment/support through AVID, Science Olympics, etc.

  • At-risk students supported by “beyond the bell” interventions such as one hour of additional instruction and Academic Saturday School focused on math and ELA

  • All teachers have attended training on bullying, cyberbullying, and sexual harassment

  • ICES after-school program allows students to develop extra-curricular interests such as dance, cheerleading, jazz band, and electronic music

  • On-site community resource center: pediatric clinic; mental health services for students and families; and parenting, ESL, technology, and GED classes

  • Ongoing communication with parents through newsletters, Twitter, Facebook, and the principal’s weekly call on Sunday nights

  • Multiple language acquisition supports embedded in the school day and after-school

  • Alternative suspensions and culture programs have reduced the suspension rate

  • Bilingual Parent Institute for Quality Education classes are offered yearly

  • A counselor works two days a week with migrant education students

  • District supports help math, English and science teachers transition to Common Core

  • Biannual career day and STEM summer work experiences in the community

  • 6th-grade students make six-year academic plans via feeder/destination articulation

  • Professional growth through training, PLC collaboration, and conference attendance

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