California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Redesignated: 2022
Designated 2019
San Bernardino City Unified School District
San Bernardino County
Maria Jauregui, Principal
1250 N. Medical Center Drive, San Bernardino, CA 92411
School Characteristics
Community: Urban. Enrollment: 697. Grade levels: 7-8. School schedule: six-period day.
School Demographics
Free/reduced lunch: 99%. English learners: 29%.
Replicable Practices
Instructional strategies such as levels of questioning, performance tasks, lab practicums, claim-evidence-reasoning, and paragraph frames are consistently used schoolwide.
King provides multiple opportunities for students to master the curriculum such as daily after school tutoring, re-teaching, scaffolding, intersessions, individual monitoring plans, and support classes in English and math.
All students maintain an AVID binder monitored by their advisory teacher and reviewed in once weekly advisory class.
Counselors provide for student’s social-emotional needs by offering workshops on anti-bullying, sexual harassment, social skills development, and restorative justice practices.
Teachers at King collaborate and calibrate best practices through lesson study, instructional rounds, department and team planning days, and team meetings.
The school focuses on best practices for ELD pedagogy, including reading for comprehension, collaborative conversations with roles and sentence stems, and vocabulary development as well as AVID strategies.
New teachers are given one full week of on-boarding, as well as support and mentoring throughout the school year.