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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Creekview Ranch School

Redesignated: 2023

Designated 2019

Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District

Placer County

Christina Stamford, Principal

8779 Cook Riolo Road, Roseville, CA 95747


School Characteristics

Community: suburban. Enrollment: 732. Grade levels: K-8. School schedule: seven-period day with early release for collaboration on Monday.

School Demographics

Free/reduced lunch: 42%. English learners: 21%

Replicable Practices

  • School has developed collective team commitments around goals, essential standards, common assessments, and professional learning.

  • Creekview Ranch has developed a multiple-tier support system including “Raptor Time” four days per week embedded in the school day to offer additional support and enrichment opportunities.

  • Students benefit from full inclusion in language arts and mathematics supported by a strong co-teaching model.

  • Weekly PLC meetings focus on reading and writing standards across the curriculum.

  • Exploratory classes incorporate language, math, and science concepts through technology career research and Project Lead the Way (robotics, design and modeling, medical detectives, and computer science).

  • All classrooms have daily student-friendly learning objectives posted for student reference.

  • All teachers are trained in Guided Language Acquisition by Design (GLAD) which supports instruction for all students particularly mainstreamed EL students.

  • Students in seventh-grade science participate in a “20% Project” where they choose what they want to research and create their projects encouraging choice, learning, designing, reflecting, modifying, and presenting.

  • Technology is integrated in all subject areas and students use Google Suites, video production, robots, drones, 3-D printers, and internet research in all core classes.

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