California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.

Redesignated: 2012, 2015, 2018, 2021, 2024
Designated 2009
Clovis Unified School District
Fresno County
Matt Hernandez, Principal
902 Fifth Street, Clovis, CA 93612
School Characteristics
Community: Suburban. Enrollment 1,447. Grade Levels: 7-8 School Schedule: Two days per week Block Schedule allows release time for collaboration as well as longer class periods for in-depth instruction.
Replicable Practices
Standards are broken into “progressions” with common short-cycle assessments to track student progress toward goals and determine effective interventions.
Staff has committed to a variety of instructional practices including: Cooperative Learning, Academic Conversations, Simulations, Hands-on learning and integrated technology.
Co-Teaching and collaborative models are in place across all departments to give support to students in meeting standards.
Strong PLC’s use coaching, mentoring; as well as peer-observations in formal and informal applications to continuously improve instructional practice in every department.
The district-wide “Transitional Program” addresses the specific learning and social-emotional needs of struggling students who are part of the EL, SED, Foster Youth, or Migrant student populations.
All students are supported with social-emotional or academic needs through a variety of programs including: Mental Health referrals, confidential support groups,” Check in/Check out, academic study halls, and the Bridge Program which provides a self-contained classroom option.
The “Transition Team” provides parent training to familiarize parents with the school and helps families connect with programs that can support their students.
Teachers have been trained in “mindfulness” and building empathy and understanding with students and their families. All communities within the school use collaborative practices and participate in activities such as True Colors, Digital Citizenship, Close Reading, Socratic Chairs, 4 Corners, and AVID learning strategies.
The district has addressed instructional shifts by supporting multi-year participation in the “Internal Coherence” professional development as well as “Visible Learning” training for staff. Processes that have led to frequent audits through Instructional Rounds.
Clark offers a wide range of team sports, clubs, visual and performing arts, and community service opportunities for students as well as transitional supports such as the “WEB” program.