California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.

Redesignated: 2007, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2020, 2023
Designated 2008
Clovis Unified School District
Fresno County
Jennifer Carter, Principal
380 West Teague, Clovis, CA 93619
(559) 327-3500 | FAX 559-327-3590
School Characteristics
Community: Suburban, Mid-Sized City; Enrollment: 1407; Grade Levels:7-8
School Schedule: Six period day with Modified Block. Option of Zero period or lunch P.E. class
Replicable Practices
Fully developed Professional Learning Communities examine school and grade level assessment data; design First Best Time Instruction lessons based on standards, participate in peer observations, share and examine student work; identify SMART goals; design common assessments, use meeting norms; and most importantly focus of student learning.
Alta Sierra has a high functioning, tiered, targeted intervention program called “Support for Success” for students ranging from: Re-teaching, study hall, lunch labs with teachers, homework center, pull out tutoring from PE class, and “Program Reach” designed to support victims of bullying harassment, or racially motivated behavior to teach them coping skills, conflict resolution, and empathy.
Students needing multi-year support (grade five thru high school) are enrolled in the “Transition Team” program which provides wrap-around services for the student and their family through a long term sustained relationship with a transition coach who mentors them through the myriad of issues they face.
Supported by administration and Learning Directors in English and math, teachers meet in professional learning communities weekly to analyze data, collaborate on best practices, identify student needs and plan instruction based on student results.
AVID and Reading Apprenticeship interdisciplinary instructional strategies such as, annotation, note taking, quick writes, partner-pair share are utilized to reinforce important concepts and skills and, are used across curricular areas.
Co-curricular programs are highly supported by the school and district. Students compete in competitive athletic leagues (no cut policy), award-winning bands, orchestras, and choirs, pep and cheer squads, and on award-winning academic teams. Clubs also allow students to explore interests in possible career opportunities, hobbies and interests while building relationships with staff and peers.
All district schools share a common vision of student achievement, co-curricular participation, and citizenship that is validated by numerous opportunities for articulation with feeder schools and the high school.