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Region 11

Elementary School

Teresa Andrade

McPherson Magnet

Orange Unified School District

As the only elementary school CTE credentialed teacher in the Orange Unified School District, Teresa Andrade does a phenomenal job educating students about their future careers. Each week she educates K-5th grade students in the Project Lead the Way. Additionally, she teaches three sections of middle school engineering utilizing two modules from Project Lead the Way: Design and Modeling and Automation and Robotics. In addition to teaching, this year Teresa also started the first Femineers club within the Orange Unified School District. Teresa sought out 6th through 8th grade girls that might have an interest in STEM careers. She meets with the group every Monday after school and they complete projects (wearable technology with Arduinos, etc.). The girls will complete at the end of the year at a Femineers forum at Cal Poly Pomona.

State Elementary School Educator of the Year

Teresa Andrade
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