California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Redesignated: 2019, 2022
Designated 2016
Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District
Orange County
Paige Stills, Principal
4777 Casa Loma Avenue, Yorba Linda, CA 92886
(714) 986-7080
School Characteristics
Community: Suburban; Enrollment: 954; Grades: 6-7-8
School Schedule: Seven-period day with early release on Wednesdays. 6th grade has three-period social studies/ English core, 7th and 8th grade have two electives.
School Demographics
1.06% American Indian/Native American; 20.14% Asian/Asian American; 3% Black/African American; 3.1%
Filipino/Filipino American ; 23.5% Hispanic/Latino; 0.3% Pacific Islander; 50.7% White; 8% Other; 18% Free/ Reduced Lunch; 3.3% English Learners
Replicable Practices
B3, a weekly intervention program, gives teachers the opportunity to collect missing work, re-teach or reinforce a lesson, allow make-up, provide enrichment, or reward students with an extended lunch period.
PBIS is implemented throughout the school, with all teachers teaching PBIS social skills, school-wide procedures, and expectations during B3 at the beginning of the school year.
Over half of the staff is trained in, and actively uses, explicit direct instruction. All teachers have been trained in informational reading across the disciplines.
All teachers have websites and Google Classroom and all students have a Gmail account and use Google Drive, allowing them to write and work collaboratively.
As needed, math intervention is provided through math lab class, reading intervention is provided through the Voyager class, and homework club is offered once a week after school.
Students who demonstrate maladjusted behaviors that impact academics receive specialized support through collaborative classes, SDC, or ASPIRE. These programs call upon Social Services to provide wrap-around activities for families and students.
All teachers have been trained in Step Up to Writing, facilitating interdisciplinary reinforcement of concepts and skills.
During the first few weeks of school, all students set academic and career goals which are revisited with their designated teacher twice during the year.
Weekly PLC groups meet in a cycle to allow for vertical content teams, horizontal grade level teams, staff conversations, and individual teacher development. School-wide implementation of direct interactive instruction and emphasis on interactive notebooks, Cornell notes, and sentence frames.