California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.

Redesignated: 2022, 2025
Designated 2019
Downey Unified School District
Los Angeles County
Brent Shubin, Principal
10301 Woodruff Avenue, Downey, CA 90241
(562) 904-3586
School Characteristics
Community: urban fringe. Enrollment: 1,393. Grade levels: 6,7,8. School schedule: six-period day with zero period to allow for electives. Sixth grade students have a two-period block for ELA.
Replicable Practices
Doty Middle School has implemented a distributed leadership model comprised of over 14 professional learning community collaborative teams representing grade-level specific subjects as well as fine and performing arts, technology, and library intra-district groups. These teams meet three times a month to share best practices and plan “first best” instruction as informed by data.
Content area teachers participate in district professional development with 21st-century instructional technology coaches to implement blended learning in every classroom. Coaches meet with teachers as a group and individually and provide demonstration lessons as well as feedback. Teachers not currently in the program benefit from walk-through demonstration days on campus.
Doty’s positive climate is obvious throughout the campus. Anchored in the Character Counts program other activities to reach out to all students include: red ribbon week, daily student-led broadcasts, school-wide PBIS, WEB program, and Project Respect.
Part of the school and district vision is to make students college and career ready through such opportunities as AVID (which includes RSP and EL students as applicants), College information night, California Junior Scholarship Foundation, scholarships, and the practice of having all eighth graders take the ACT Explore test.
Doty offers several levels of support to students in need through award winning ELD program utilizing English 3D, life skills class, AVID classes, interventionists and aides assigned to support students in traditional language clusters in core classes, and before and after school tutoring four days per week.
In addition to a variety of visual and performing arts electives, students benefit from a wide range of Career and Technical Education options, supported by Project Lead the Way, Downey Made, and other initiatives. STEAM offerings at the school include robotics, green architecture, tech support, and video production.