California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.

Redesignated: 2022
Designated 2019
Weaver Unified School District
Merced County
Elias Villa, Principal
3076 East Childs Avenue, Merced, CA 95340
(209) 723-2174
School Characteristics
Community: suburban. Enrollment: 929. Grade levels: 6,7,8. School schedule: eight period day with 9th period study skills class. Two teacher interdisciplinary teams in grade 6.
Replicable Practices
Math instruction is supported with a two-period math block daily for all students with co-teaching sections for RSP students and extra support provided four days a week in ninth period Study Skills class.
Behavior and social-emotional support are provided by a behavior specialist for special education students, schoolwide PBIS lessons, iMatter social skills and bullying prevention program provided by Sierra Vista Child and Family Services, and individual and group counseling.
In addition to multiple modes of communication, parents participate in Parent Institute for Quality Education classes, Migrant Mini Corps tutors, and two full-time community liaisons.
Weaver Middle has a school-wide focus on explicit literacy instruction, vocabulary instruction, explicit instruction and modeling of reading strategies, extended instruction on text meaning, writing and setting a purpose for reading based on the work of Mike Schmoker. Teachers are given planning time to evaluate their curriculum and build around these strategies as well as walk through time to observe in each other’s classrooms.
Parents have myriad opportunities for involvement including tours in English and Spanish with their students to local universities.
All students have access to technology in each classroom. Students use Google Slides, Docs, Drawing, and Classroom regularly.
Students with no tardies, referrals or detentions during the week are rewarded on Weaver Way Friday, during ninth period with opportunities for activities and games to build school spirit.