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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Turlock Junior High School

Redesignated: 2018, 2021, 2024

Designated 2014

Turlock School District

Stanislaus County

Agustine Arreola, Principal

3951 N. Walnut Road, Turlock, CA 95382

(209) 667-0881

School Characteristics

Community: Rural. Enrollment: 1,399. Grade Levels: 7-8. School Schedule: Seven period day with “0” Period offerings. Reduced student day on Wednesday to allow for collaboration.

School Demographics

Free/Reduced Lunch: 60%; English Learners: 19%

Replicable Practices

  • Turlock has adopted the “Sheltered Instructional Observation Protocol “to include all “Best Practices” as well as additional strategies that integrate technology and align with discovery and project based learning. There is a school-wide focus on blended learning.

  • In addition to aligning to common curriculum maps, staff post both learning content and language objectives for every lesson.

  • Students needing additional support benefit from mandatory lunchtime intervention for math and writing workshop study skills classes, math support classes, ELD classes, and Read 180 support classes. Students can also access the peer mentoring program for academic and/or social counseling.

  • Turlock offers a robust STEM program including Project Lead the Way as well as STEM Shop classes, and STEM based computer science classes. A STEM-Hybrid class targets LCap eligible students.

  • Literacy and student to student interaction are a school-wide focus support by PLC time to collaborate and identify essential skills related to these goals. Teachers/Students are supported by Instructional Coaches.

  • Working closely with the community Turlock has been able to partner with CSUS to provide mentors for “at risk” students as well as the city of Turlock to provide an after school ACES program. In addition, the Turlock Chaplaincy provides “Character Counts” coaches during the school day.

  • Classes and workshops for parents are offered through the PIQUE program offering college and career readiness information.

  • Teachers are incorporating discovery learning and project based learning through Eureka Math and Springboard programs.

  • Students benefit from over twenty-one clubs as well as a robust elective program.

  • Turlock takes pride in their ability to differentiate curriculum, instruction, assessment and scheduling to meet the needs their extremely diverse student population.

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