California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Redesignated: 2012, 2015, 2018, 2021
Designated 2009
Long Beach Unified School District
Los Angeles County
Donna Ryono, Principal
1701 Petaluma Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 493-2636
School Characteristics
Community: Large City. Enrollment: 751. Grade Levels 5-8. School Schedule: Seven period day schedule allowing lower class size for English classes, additional electives and math support classes. Interdisciplinary teams.
School Demographics
Free/Reduced Lunch: 45%; English Learners: 4.5%
Replicable Practices
Seven period day schedule has allowed students the opportunity to take support classes in Math/Algebra and to benefit from lower class sizes in English classes. Accelerated math students benefit from support class. Additional support for English students is provided by an Intervention teacher.
Parent communication is enhanced by a full-time bilingual office assistant who presented parent training through PIQUE, as well as the implementation of School Loop and Parent Vue. Parents have benefited from programs such as: cyberbullying, digital citizenship and handling teen anxiety.
In addition to intervention classes, students needing additional assistance can access an after school program as well as after school homework help offered by individual teachers, or choose peer and cross-age tutoring provided by students.
A Lighthouse school for the “Gear Up” program Tincher is committed to college readiness mindset throughout the school.
Through participation of staff in the Kahn Academy summer training program for teachers as well as district funds Chromebook carts have ensured implementation of technology based instruction in core classes. Google Suites is implemented school-wide.
Tincher’s positive community support provides opportunities for students to experience presentations by local community groups as well as Classroom Connections, Orange County Opera, and Musical Theater West productions.
Student successes are celebrated at monthly Character Education Recognition Breakfasts, monthly Spirit Assemblies, and the Tincher Tributes assemblies to recognize student achievement.
Tincher staff is participating in a two-year program of Costen’s “The Art of Teaching,” a program of directed and self-study. Teachers choose a focus area and work with a mentor as well as attending workshops and participating in peer observation and coaching.