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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Summit Intermediate School

Redesignated: 2016, 2025

Designated 2013

Etiwanda Unified School District

San Bernardino County

Nichole Kelley, Principal

5959 East Avenue, Etiwanda, CA 91739

(909) 899-1704

School Characteristics

Community: Suburb, Mid-Size Territory; Enrollment: 1,104; Grade Levels: 6-8
School Schedule: Seven periods daily. Core classes 60 minutes; Electives and Physical Education 50 minutes; X-Time 40 minutes, dedicated to extra ELA & Math enrichment and intervention.

Replicable Practices

  • Utilizing the iReady data program students are directed to opportunities for focused intervention or enrichment during one 40 minute period four days per week. Students also have access to credit recovery classes, and Academic All-Stars intervention program after school.

  • Academic Advisement program places students with an academic advisor specializing in targeted interventions, academic counseling and mentoring. In addition, each teacher “adopts” a student for the Be A Champion program to mentor for the year.

  • A STEM teacher at every grade level brings science, technology, engineering and math to life through interactive electives that students rotate through.

  • Through the schoolwide emphasis on the Rachel’s Challenge: Friends of Rachel Program, students are trained to be ambassadors who meet monthly and develop opportunities for all students to spread kindness and support others.

  • Technology is utilized extensively as a tool for instruction supported by the 1:1 Chromebook initiative allowing students to utilize Google Docs, forms, notes, tables, presentations and Google Classroom.

  • The staff supports an internal staff recognition program that recognizes staff members for child advocacy, collaboration, teaching and learning, and leadership.

  • Parent communication is enhanced by student-led parent conferences focused on academic and social/behavioral performance in school.

  • Students have the opportunity to qualify for the Shark Elite fitness club by demonstrating proficiency at four fitness tests.

  • Professional support is provided for new teachers in the New Teacher Huddle. All teachers are supported by mini classes during the year and planning days for grade levels to review new diagnostic practices, discuss best practices, and articulate needs of student populations.

  • Parents benefit from opportunities for involvement through mini classes, family nights such as GATE Family Night, STEM Family night, PTSA, and School Site Council. Parent communication is facilitated by extensive use of Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as well as messages sent from the principal and staff.

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