California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Designated 2021
Standard Elementary School District
Kern County
Maikel Bassilious, Principal
126 Ferguson Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93308
(661) 392-2130
School Characteristics
Community: Urban. Enrollment: 1004. Grade Levels: 6,7,8. School schedule: Seven-period day with daily Advisory. 6th Grade follows a block schedule.
School Demographics
Free and Reduced Lunch: 100%
Replicable Practices
MTSS: We have added additional staff over the last three years to create an MTSS team of three site Administrators, a Program Specialist/School Psychologist, a School Psychologist and psychologist intern, two School Counselors, two Americorps Mentors, Community Member Mentors, a Behavioral Intervention Specialist, a Campus Supervisor, a Family Advocate, a Social Worker, and Certificated School Nurse.
Circle of Friends: A school inclusion program where students with special needs are paired with general education student leaders for weekly lunches and activities.
Safe School Ambassadors: This program trains diverse and socially influential student leaders to intervene with their friends and classmates when they see teasing, bullying, and other acts of cruelty.
Check-in, Check-out Program (CICO): Our Behavior Intervention Specialist works with many students to build stronger habits and practices while at school. The ultimate goal is to foster self-monitoring skills.
Winning Warrior Award – PBIS awards given to students who model our three PBIS tenets to Be Safe, Use Manners, and Demonstrate Self-Responsibility.