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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Designated 2022
Fullerton School District
Orange County
Robin Mundschau, Principal
1710 Rosecrans Ave., Fullerton, CA 92833
School Characteristics
Enrollment: 855. Grade Levels: 7-8.
School Demographics
African American 1%, Asian 40%, White 12%, Hispanic 41%, Other 7%
Replicable Practices
PATHfinder Program: Students apply strengths and talents to civic-minded projects
Safe & Inclusive Culture: School-wide events promote inclusive school culture
Advanced Academics: Students learn secondary-level content and participate in AP exams
Twice-Weekly Tutorial: Tier 2 intervention period for all students is in the bell schedule
Embedded SEL: Hands-on SEL units are integrated into core curricula, used as enrichment
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