California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Redesignated: 2019, 2023
Designated 2016
ABC Unified School District
Los Angeles County
Amanda Silvas, Principal
17707 Elaine Avenue, Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 229-7785
School Characteristics
Community: Suburban; Enrollment: 590; Grades: 7-8; School Schedule: Six-period day including a thirty-minute homeroom and zero-period P.E. class. Early dismissal on Friday for teacher collaboration.
School Demographics
0.5% American Indian/Native American; 13% Asian/Asian American; 10% Black/African American; 13.5% Filipino/Filipino American; 55% Hispanic/Latino; 1% Pacific Islander; 6.6% White; 0.5% Other; 51% Free/ Reduced Lunch; 19% English Learners
Replicable Practices
School schedule provides weekly planning time during student early release day and quarterly non-student days for curriculum alignment, creating common assessments, and analyzing data.
PBIS is used as a total school behavior plan. Additional specific interventions include Systems to Encourage Peace, and Pointing Adolescents Toward Health.
Math students are offered SDAIE math classes, support classes, and a summer school course to accelerate placement in advanced math.
All core teachers collaborate to create common assessments. Science and history classes collaborate yearly on a common project-based learning assignment.
Honors classes are offered in all core curriculum, and double blocks of math and English classes are offered for students needing additional assistance.
After school intervention classes, a tutoring center, and a Friday homework recovery program are also available.
Students remain with the same teacher for two years in a daily homeroom class and receive mentoring and academic support.
WICOR strategies are implemented schoolwide in core classes.
Ross offers a wide range of co-curricular activities, such as media broadcasting; marching band; color guard; mathletes; Science Olympics; improvisation and drama; and speech and debate, which develop students’ interests beyond the classroom.
Zero-period P.E. provides opportunities for students to take more than one elective.