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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Ross Academy of Creative and Media Arts

Redesignated: 2019, 2023

Designated 2016

ABC Unified School District

Los Angeles County

Amanda Silvas, Principal

17707 Elaine Avenue, Artesia, CA 90701

(562) 229-7785

School Characteristics

Community: Suburban; Enrollment: 590; Grades: 7-8; School Schedule: Six-period day including a thirty-minute homeroom and zero-period P.E. class. Early dismissal on Friday for teacher collaboration.

School Demographics

0.5% American Indian/Native American; 13% Asian/Asian American; 10% Black/African American; 13.5% Filipino/Filipino American; 55% Hispanic/Latino; 1% Pacific Islander; 6.6% White; 0.5% Other; 51% Free/ Reduced Lunch; 19% English Learners

Replicable Practices

  • School schedule provides weekly planning time during student early release day and quarterly non-student days for curriculum alignment, creating common assessments, and analyzing data.

  • PBIS is used as a total school behavior plan. Additional specific interventions include Systems to Encourage Peace, and Pointing Adolescents Toward Health.

  • Math students are offered SDAIE math classes, support classes, and a summer school course to accelerate placement in advanced math.

  • All core teachers collaborate to create common assessments. Science and history classes collaborate yearly on a common project-based learning assignment.

  • Honors classes are offered in all core curriculum, and double blocks of math and English classes are offered for students needing additional assistance.

  • After school intervention classes, a tutoring center, and a Friday homework recovery program are also available.

  • Students remain with the same teacher for two years in a daily homeroom class and receive mentoring and academic support.

  • WICOR strategies are implemented schoolwide in core classes.

  • Ross offers a wide range of co-curricular activities, such as media broadcasting; marching band; color guard; mathletes; Science Olympics; improvisation and drama; and speech and debate, which develop students’ interests beyond the classroom.

  • Zero-period P.E. provides opportunities for students to take more than one elective.

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