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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Ray Wiltsey Middle School

Redesignated: 2023

Designated 2019

Ontario-Montclair School District

San Bernardino County

Alicia Tuttle, Principal

1450 East G Street, Ontario, CA 91764

(909) 986-5834

School Characteristics

Community: suburban. Enrollment: 1,128. Grade levels: 6,7,8. School schedule: six-period day with optional zero period. Grade level common preps.

School Demographics

Free/reduced lunch: 95%. English learners: 80%

Replicable Practices

  • Through a school-wide International Baccalaureate (IB) model, Wiltsey Middle is committed to structured inquiry as a vehicle for learning and real-life applications and to full inclusion with co-teaching and multiple tiers of support. Units of study are organized around the IB areas of interaction: statement of inquiry, inquiry questions, summative assessment, approaches to learning, and differentiation.

  • Teachers are supported in the school/IB vision by common planning time weekly, full day planning sessions, opportunities to visit peers, and coaching from an IB coordinator/data coach.

  • The school has identified close reading, the claim-evidence-reasoning framework for writing, and higher-level depth of knowledge questioning as the school-wide focus for the year supported by peer and coach observations, and staff development.

  • Support for instruction is evident through internal and external instructional rounds and a district program called “spotlight teacher” where two teachers are available for observations in-person and via a live-streaming service providing teachers with immediate modeling of research based instructional strategies and classroom management strategies aligned with PBIS.

  • All students participate in a highly organized process of student-led conferences where they analyze their academic progress with families and set academic goals for improvement.

  • Wiltsey has developed a unique coordinated services team in their counseling center (PAWS) where they can access outside services, and/or receive support from two bilingual academic counselors, as well as student mentors with training in behavioral counseling.

  • At the conclusion of every unit of study in all grade-level content areas, students are required to complete a summative task which is real-world applicable and engages them in creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, communication, citizenship and character education.

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