California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Redesignated: 2023
Designated 2020
Beaumont Unified School District
San Luis Obispo County
Sean Dickinson, Principal
200 Cougar Way, Beaumont, CA 92223
(951) 845-1627
School Characteristics
Community: suburban. Enrollment: 1,133. Grade Levels: 6-8. School Schedule: All grades have six periods per day, one weekly early-release day to allow for learning and collaboration, and an advisory class four days a week.
School Demographics
Free/reduced lunch: 58%. Students with disabilities: 13%. English learners: 7%.
Replicable Practices
Weekly subject-matter PLCs on early release days support data analysis, meeting specific student needs, and training and collaboration with middle-level teachers districtwide.
The Encore advisory period provides timely, specific supports to students in character education, academic intervention, and college-and-career readiness.
CharacterStrong advisory and leadership curriculum provides specific training in qualities such as kindness, empathy, and patience, plus challenges both students and staff to exhibit the traits.
Staff and students are randomly assigned to one of four houses with colors and brands to build a sense of belonging.
“Where Everybody Belongs” is an effective peer-mentoring program that pairs eighth-grade mentors with new sixth-graders for the entire year.
Robust Career Technical Education options help lay an informed foundation for students’ college and career choices and include medical, engineering, robotics, and fine arts.