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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Huron Middle School

Redesignated: 2020, 2023

Designated 2017

Coalinga Huron Unified School District

Fresno County

Francisco Hernandez, Principal

16875 Fourth St., Huron, CA 93234


School Characteristics

Community: Rural; Enrollment: 375; Grade Levels: 6-8; School Schedule: Eight period day four days per week, with late start on Wednesday for collaboration. Zero period advisory program four days per week.

Replicable Practices

  • Trained in the data team process, teachers collaborate to create common assessments and use results to create goals and design and implement research-based interventions.

  • Highly recognized S.M.A.R.T. Advisory program in which teachers loop with their students, provides a mentor for every student, engages all students in team building activities, increases attendance, and encourages students to connect with one another through S.M.A.R.T. chats.

  • Student-led conferences allow students to share their goals with their parents, let them know what kind of learner they are and show evidence of their growth through student portfolios.

  • Student voice is evident through the principal’s roundtable, as well as advisory and student-led conferences, allowing students to bring renewed relevance and authenticity to the classroom and school reform efforts.

  • Interventions for struggling students are available in math and reading through differentiation, math support classes, corrective reading program, special education, and teacher tutoring before and after school. PIVOT program utilized to track attendance, grades and behavior.

  • 1:1 MacBooks have resulted in utilization of technology in instruction and student learning such as research, Amplify language arts program, videos, and audio text.

  • Parents are invited into the school to observe, meet with teachers, serve on school advisory committees, and attend computer and English as a Second Language classes offered four nights per week.

  • Through the “Time to Teach” program and PBIS implementation, students are taught consistent behavioral expectations school-wide, decreasing suspension rates and offering opportunities for student recognition for positive citizenship.

  • Huron Middle School supports ELA and math coaches, weekly professional learning time, strong schoolwide staff development, and multiple opportunities to attend conferences and training both inside and outside the district. Throughout the school year, all teachers attend professional development once a month for ninety minutes focused on reform efforts and individual/group needs.

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