California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.

Redesignated: 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2022, 2025
Designated 2007
Los Angeles Unified School District
Los Angeles County
Hanh D’Alovisio, Principal
9351 Paso Robles Ave., Northridge, CA 91325
School Characteristics
Community: Large city Enrollment: 1,590; Grade Levels: 6-8; School Schedule: Sixth grade has two-teacher cores; seventh and eighth grades have six periods.
Replicable Practices
In addition to district professional development focus areas, the Holmes Professional Development Committee plans professional development for the school.
Students have multiple opportunities to display their learning through portfolios, student-led conferences, family nights, and curricular exhibits.
In addition to Common Core Accelerated Math classes, students are also supported in English and math in tutoring programs. English Learners are supported by a double period of Highpoints curriculum.
Holmes bell schedule allows for common planning time and professional development with departments, teams and grade levels.
To personalize the learning environment and allow for interdisciplinary instruction students are scheduled into interdisciplinary teams which provide common planning time for teachers.
Students are offered many opportunities to explore their interests in the arts and technical fields through clubs, activities and courses such as: word processing, Action Lab career choices, stock market, coding through mathematics, photo journalism, Oydssey of the Mind, Holmes Robotics, and Bug Club.
To support the transition to middle school, Holmes hosts a New Student Orientation Day which includes presentations by administration and staff and activities led by student leaders.
Through a partnership with Cal State Northridge’s performing arts theatre, students are able to participate in workshops, field trips, and other cultural activities.
Holmes provides equal access to the curriculum through a long standing collaborative teaching program benefiting English Learners and students with special needs.
School culture is enhanced by the fully implemented PBIS program, which includes training of all staff in restorative justice practices.