California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Redesignated: 2021, 2024
Designated 2018
Paramount Unified School District
Los Angeles County
Hilda Mapp, Principal
5511 Century Boulevard, South Gate, CA 90280
(562) 602-8016
School Characteristics
Community: Suburban; Enrollment: 1,036. Grade Levels; K-8; School Schedule: Six period day.
School Demographics
Free/reduced lunch: 87%; English learners: 36%
Replicable Practices
Academic expectations are detailed in every department’s grading policy and syllabi focusing on the “five dimensions of teaching and learning.” Grading policy provides students and parents with a clear understanding of what is expected for each letter grade. Students are never given a zero for incomplete work. Instead, students are included in make-up workshops.
Instruction is guided by specific pacing guides and learning targets are posted and referred to in each lesson.
Literacy is a key focus across all disciplines. Students are expected to use “talk moves” during group collaboration and to use academic language throughout the process. All disciplines focus on text-based question and evidence-based answers, higher DOK assignments, Cornell notes, writing and thinking maps.
Hollydale has a highly successful coaching/co-teaching program in place with teachers and instructional coaches. In addition to co-teaching, instructional coaches provide coaching cycles for all teachers who teach ELA/ELD, math, science, and social studies. The “cycle” includes pre-conference meeting, observation, debrief, and follow-up. In addition, coaches visit classrooms daily to provide positive feedback, and ask reflective questions guided by the principal’s instructional focus areas.
Professional learning communities serve various roles at Hollydale. Teachers meet in cross-content areas and within content areas bi-monthly, math and English teachers meet after each unit to discuss assessment data, and science and social studies teachers meet after quarterly benchmarks. Learning walks and identified areas of focus are the norm.
Hollydale’s collaboration team leaders and the safe and civil committee create a supportive school culture and a shared vision of expectations. Both teams meet monthly to guide the school’s programs with input and feedback from faculty and staff.