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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Haskell STEM Academy

Redesignated: 2020, 2023

Designated 2017

ABC Unified School District

Los Angeles County

Valerie Gutierrez, Principal

11525 Del Amo Boulevard, Cerritos, CA 90703


School Characteristics

Community: Suburban; Enrollment: 546; Grade Levels: 7-8; School Schedule: Traditional six period schedule with 20 minute homeroom, Thursday minimum day for staff collaboration.

School Demographics

0.2% American Indian, 12% Asian, 13% African American, 11% Fillipino, 51% Hispanic, 2% Pacific Islander, 11% White, 0.4% Other; Free/Reduced Lunch 66.8%; 15.4% English Learners.

Replicable Practices

  • As a STEM magnet school Haskell has constructed a state of the art STEM SmartLab where the curriculum is centered around eight technology systems and core competencies, including alternative and renewable energy; science and data acquisition; and robotics and control technology.

  • Teachers use common formative and summative assessments to assess students throughout the year utilizing minimum and release days to collaborate on curriculum and student progress.

  • Interventions include several elective classes such as study skills, math opportunity, and a double period of English for students needing extra support. The after school Homework Club provides additional support from AVID tutors and staff.

  • Opportunities for parent involvement include parent education courses, LCAP Committee, ELAC parent group, AVID parent orientation and the highly utilized Parent Portal.

  • Technology is integrated into all core classes with 1:1 student Chromebooks operating software such as Carnegie Learning Math, Google Classroom, and Study Sync.

  • All students are provided access to advanced coursework through the “Honors by Demonstration” program. Students within any section of English, social studies or science may elect to complete the honors level work and earn that designation on their transcripts.

  • Strong district articulation and staff development allow Haskell teachers to work in cohorts on training, including the district STEM Professional Development Grant, Technology Integration Project and Google Certification.

  • Haskell partners with local colleges and businesses to enhance their program. Examples include their partnership with Cerritos College to develop the STEM program, utilization of AVID tutors, and field trips to local colleges and universities.

  • A myriad of extracurricular activities are offered, including drum line, cheer, STEM Enrichment Club, band, Career Day, and Multicultural Day.

  • A summer “bridge” math class is offered to students who need support prior to entering advanced math courses in grade eight.

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