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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Firebaugh Middle School

Redesignated: 2019, 2022

Designated 2016

Firebaugh Las-Deltas Unified School District

Fresno County

Marcus Sosa, Principal

1600 16th St., Firebaugh, CA 93622


School Characteristics

Community: Rural; Enrollment: 524; Grades: 6-7-8; School Schedule: Seven-period day. Designated RTI/ enrichment period during the school day. Scheduled academic seminar weeks. Early release day on Wednesday.

School Demographics

0.6% Black/African American; 88% Hispanic/Latino; 4.2% White; 7.2% Other; 90.3% Free/Reduced Lunch; 27.3% English Learners

Replicable Practices

  • Every student is enrolled in five core classes, one academic seminar class, and one elective. CELDT students have ablock of two language arts classes to facilitate tiered short-term interventions.

  • Grade-level teams confer to create an action plan for each unit, and meet again following common assessments toanalyze data and plan next steps.

  • One early release day per week provides time for collaboration and staff development.

  • Enrichment classes are flexible and provide a diverse choice of courses such as movie critique, drama, art, needlepoint,and Insanity CrossFit.

  • English and math teachers are trained in rigorous curriculum design and all departments incorporate listening,speaking, writing, and reading standards into their curriculum.

  • School provides 1:1 computers and all classes are on Google Classroom.

  • Additional support for instruction is provided by two learning directors in lieu of an assistant principal.

  • RTI coaches oversee peer observations and weekly informal observations and feedback.

  • School supports a student assistance program to offer group counseling on a regular basis.

  • PBIS, WEB, leadership, and STIM (Skills that Improve Me) programs target school culture.

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