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California Schools to Watch is a statewide program implemented by the California League of Middle Schools, California Department of Education, California Middle Grades Alliance, National Forum, and the California Schools to Watch model schools.
Cesar Chavez Middle School

New School: 2024

Designated 2024

Lynwood Unified School District

Los Angeles County

Dionne Garner, Principal

3898 Abbott Rd, Lynwood, CA, USA

(310) 886-7300

School Characteristics

Enrollment: 850. Grade Levels: 7-8.

Replicable Practices

  • We offer schoolwide intervention during the school day called WOW (Work on Work) Wednesday.

  • Our counseling department uses guidance alignment to analyze student achievement using data and to assign interventions.

  •  In our math and English classes, we practice data reflection sessions to guide our instruction and inform our teaching practices.

  • We have a schoolwide PBIS program in which we support positive behavior with Toro Bucks which are used to participate in field trips and to win food and prizes.

  • Supporting the Whole Child - We deliver SEL lessons during Wednesdays and students have the opportunity to have a school mentor or participate in counseling during the school day if there is a need. 

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